Monthly Archives :

April 2021

Lighting design on Dustin Yellin’s Laminated Glass Sculpture 589 589 Adaptive Design Group, Inc.

Lighting design on Dustin Yellin’s Laminated Glass Sculpture

Special art lighting design of Dustin Yellin’s laminated glass sculpture. Our selection and mock up of Merlin Lights high performance projectors was a home run! @dustinyellin @dustinyellinstudio @merlin_light @adaptivedg

Merlin Light frames Jackson Pollock in light 589 589 Adaptive Design Group, Inc.

Merlin Light frames Jackson Pollock in light

Merlin Light frames Jackson Pollock in light. Fine art, finest precision art lighting projectors. Magical match! @jacksonpollock_official @fineartconnoisseurmagazine @adaptivedg @glenn.johnson.14606 Visit Merlin Light

Beautiful color corrected light 589 589 Adaptive Design Group, Inc.

Beautiful color corrected light

Holy Cow! Framed in beautiful color corrected light with our Merlin Light precision optical framing projector. #fineartlighting #fineart @adaptivedg @merlin_light Visit Merlin Light

Light and mood setting dimming 589 589 Adaptive Design Group, Inc.

Light and mood setting dimming

Warming up this Sun Valley, Idaho with our artistry in light and mood setting dimming. Doesn’t hurt to have an amazing palette and setting to work with. @mclaughlinarchitects #sunvalleyidaho #mountainluxury #timberframing #lightingdesign Learn More

Ask us about our ADAPTIVE method 589 589 Adaptive Design Group, Inc.

Ask us about our ADAPTIVE method

Artistic lighting design and dimming controls is the key to our success for over 35 years. Lighting should be hidden not distracting. Ask us about our ADAPTIVE method. @adaptivedg @glenn.johnson.14606 @upwalldesign Learn More

Floating wood ceiling backlit 589 589 Adaptive Design Group, Inc.

Floating wood ceiling backlit

Floating wood ceiling backlit and hiding motorized roller shades. Great team collaboration all around.

adaptive-design-group-blog-Subtle portal grand salon
Subtle portal, grand salon 589 589 Adaptive Design Group, Inc.

Subtle portal, grand salon

Subtle portal, grand salon. Architecture and light melded with perfection for this Atherton Ca masterpiece. Give your guests an entrance that will blow them away @mclaughlinarchitects @adaptivedg #luxuryhomessiliconvalley

Precision execution 589 589 Adaptive Design Group, Inc.

Precision execution

Human minds in collaboration are magical. Visualization, artistry, communication, specifications and precision execution creates lasting enjoyment. Bravo team! @upwalldesign @sappdevelopmentgroup @adaptivedg

Make it memorable 589 589 Adaptive Design Group, Inc.

Make it memorable

When you do use the front door make it memorable. @adaptivedg @shoperenowharton @glenn.johnson.14606 @glenwild_golf_club

Magic of the Merlin Light 150 150 Adaptive Design Group, Inc.

Magic of the Merlin Light

See the Magic of the Merlin Light. Hidden light source, perfect color rendering, no heat or UV to damage the art. This is not just a light it is an extension of the display and enjoyment of the piece. Lighting Design by Adaptive Design Group.

As professional lighting designers in the luxury home space we have applied our artistic and technical touches to homes all over the world for 40 years. The Merlin Light by far is the only lighting source that evokes emotion and pure enjoyment of art. The way the artist intended it to be enjoyed. Visit Merlin Light