• April 7, 2022

LUTRON webinar: Glenn Merlin Johnson and the Art of Illumination

LUTRON webinar: Glenn Merlin Johnson and the Art of Illumination

LUTRON webinar: Glenn Merlin Johnson and the Art of Illumination 650 487 Adaptive Design Group, Inc.

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LUTRON webinar: Glenn Merlin Johnson and the Art of Illumination

Glenn Merlin Johnson will provide the following training:

  • The Modern Design Team
  • In-depth presentation on Glenn’s Magic of his “Eight Layers of Lighting Design”
  • The thoughtful application of fully Integrated Lighting Controls
  • Professional Design Documentation
  • Profits through Collaboration


A California native, Mr. Johnson started in the design-build arena as a C10 General Electrical 

Contractor. His technical ability coupled with innate artistic talent was a winning combination 

that led to a career in artistic lighting design and engineering. Mr. Johnson directs Adaptive Design Group from his home Park City, Utah.


Thu, Apr 21, 2022 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM MDT



Glenn Merlin Johnson, Adaptive Design Group

Click above image or link to register for webinar